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Welcome to External Resources

Here you can find all the external resources for the Funding Basics Guidebook for Community Energy Projects and the Behind the Meter Solar PV Guidebook.

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External Resources for:

7.4 Resource Links


For further information on crowdfunding refer to the following Wiki article:


8.5 Resource Links


For further information the following links may be useful:


An example of a share offer document can be found at:


Further information on share offers can be found at: 

8.7 Resource Links


More information on shares and reporting requirements for companies can be found at:

9.7 Resource Links


Further information on debt considerations can be found at the Embark Wiki:


10.1 Resource Links


For further reading about grants refer to the Embark Wiki article:

12.2 Resource Links


For further information read the following article on the Embark Wiki:


12.5 Resource Links


The following link provides a decision tree that may assist you in your business structure considerations for your project:

External Resources for:

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Section C


1 Technology ChoicE


2 Project Scale

3 Project Engagement


4  Business Structure


5  Project Development Resourcing

  • 5.3 The resources linked below provide extensive information on the skillsets that are likely to be required for specific project types and the factors that need to be considered when planning and developing a project. 


6  Site Selection and Acquisition

  • 6.2 Resource Links

    • The resource links below provide details of selection criteria that should be considered for Behind-the-Meter solar PV and other wind and solar projects:


7  Resource Assessment

  • 7.4 Resource Links

    • There are many online resources available to calculate solar resource availability in particular. Some are listed below together with links detailing the approaches to be undertaken in assessing wind resources.

8  Construction

9  Network Connections


10  Permitting



12  Project Funding


13  Power Sales







14  Financial Modelling




Section D



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