Welcome to External Resources
Here you can find all the external resources for the Funding Basics Guidebook for Community Energy Projects and the Behind the Meter Solar PV Guidebook.
External Resources for:
7.4 Resource Links
For further information on crowdfunding refer to the following Wiki article:
8.5 Resource Links
For further information the following links may be useful:
An example of a share offer document can be found at:
Further information on share offers can be found at:
8.7 Resource Links
More information on shares and reporting requirements for companies can be found at:
9.7 Resource Links
Further information on debt considerations can be found at the Embark Wiki:
10.1 Resource Links
For further reading about grants refer to the Embark Wiki article:
12.2 Resource Links
For further information read the following article on the Embark Wiki:
12.5 Resource Links
The following link provides a decision tree that may assist you in your business structure considerations for your project:
External Resources for:
Section C
1 Technology ChoicE
1.2 For more information on Solar Technology
2 Project Scale
2.3 At the concept and pre-feasibility stages of a Behind-the-Meter solar PV project, budget costs can be readily obtained by asking for indicative quotes on a per kW basis. Once the scale has been determined a tender or competitive quotation process for the supply and installation of solar equipment can be readily undertaken for use in feasibility analysis with subsequent refinement typically carried out prior to the final funding phase of the project.
The links below provide examples of approaches undertaken to source competitive pricing:
3 Project Engagement
3.2 The following sites provide an overview of community engagement approaches for CE projects. These links provide articles,tips, learnings and templates for engaging the community.
This link provides advice on how to develop a marketing plan:
4 Business Structure
4.4 The following resources provide reference points on elements of project governance and business structuring which may be useful starting points for such considerations:
This link outlines project governance approaches for a community solar initiative:
This resource considers approaches to governance and roles and responsibilities within governance structures:
This resource outlines potential community renewable energy governance structures:
A section of this resource is dedicated to project structures:
Guide to Community-Owned Renewable Energy for Victorians
This link provides a decision tree that may assist you in considerations on the best business structure for your project:
A section of this resource considers the pros and cons of a number of potential CE project business structures:
This link provides guidance on establishing a constitution applicable to a number of business structures based in certain initial requirements:
5 Project Development Resourcing
5.3 The resources linked below provide extensive information on the skillsets that are likely to be required for specific project types and the factors that need to be considered when planning and developing a project.
An in-depth series of articles to guide communities through the key stages:
This resource considers key elements associated with developing a CE solar project:
This resource outlines the development process for CE projects:
Guide to Community-Owned Renewable Energy for Victorians
Section 4.3 outlines skills needed for developing a CE project:
This resource looks at the approach involved in developing CE projects:
This resource looks at an approach associated with planning a CE solar project.
6 Site Selection and Acquisition
6.2 Resource Links
The resource links below provide details of selection criteria that should be considered for Behind-the-Meter solar PV and other wind and solar projects:
Behind-the-Meter small-scale solar site checklist:
These are links to the Lighthouse CE Toolkit, which includes site consideration for Behind-the-Meter solar installations:
These links provide guidance on seeking appropriate sites:
7 Resource Assessment
7.4 Resource Links
There are many online resources available to calculate solar resource availability in particular. Some are listed below together with links detailing the approaches to be undertaken in assessing wind resources.
A link with good quality data:
Provides links to a number of solar calculators:
This is a link to a generic tool for estimating solar output at points across the world:
8 Construction
8.3 Resource Links
The following links provide information supporting the construction of Behind-the-Meter projects:
A link that assists in carrying out a process to identify suitable solar suppliers and gain cost estimates at the prefeasibility stage:
A link that assists in putting together a tender to get firm pricing for a CE project:
9 Network Connections
9.3 Resource Links
The Clean Energy Council has produced an ‘Embedded Generation Connection Guide’ aimed at providing any embedded generation proponent with information applicable to the connection of medium scale embedded generation including Behind-the-Meter solar PV to distribution networks. It is designed to apply to generators in the size range of 100 kW to 5 MW and as such is applicable for Behind-the-Meter installations greater than 100kW. The guide has been produced through consultation with Australia’s distribution businesses and takes into account the relevant network rules and guidelines. Individual distribution businesses will have different requirements so it is important to know which distribution business’ network you may be connecting to.
A link to the guide is provided below:
Embark’s article about CE projects provides additional information:
Specific rules for Victoria are set out in the following publication:
9.4 Resource Links
There are a number of links available to assist in navigating the often complex path of grid connection issues. This site connects to a large number of network connection resources for generators and provides a comprehensive set of guidelines including links to detailed reference documents referred to earlier in this section:
This link provides information on connecting small scale (<100kW) solar including Behind-the-Meter:
This link provides a good overview of network connection factors and also relevant network terminology:
This site provides an overview of CE project network connection issues:
10 Permitting
10.2 Resource Links
This provides an overview of Behind-the-Meter planning processes that may be relevant:
This resource provides recommendations to Local Government on solar PV planning approval considerations:
12 Project Funding
12.2 Resource Links
Below are some links that provide some pertinent information on funding CE projects:
13 Power Sales
13.8 Resource Links
An example of Behind-the-Meter PPAs can be found at:
A sample combined PPA and associated development and leasing agreement can be found by accessing the Lighthouse toolkit link at:
The following link provides extensive information on feed-in tariffs:
It should be noted that feed-in tariffs are being phased out in some States so a preferable arrangement is to have an export sales agreement established with a retailer.
The following links provide additional information and material to assist in assessing revenue opportunities and approaches.
This link provides several articles pertinent to understanding how the energy market works:
This link provides an overview of PPAs primarily from a behind-the- meter perspective:
The below links to the Lighthouse CE Toolkit, which includes a draft PPA for Behind-the-Meter solar installations:
This link provides the current futures wholesale market prices for each east coast state and SA:
This link provides an indication of LGC prices:
This link provides an indication of STC prices:
14 Financial Modelling
14.5 Resource Links
For more information on the Diminishing Value Multiplier see:
Some additional resources on financial modelling are set out below:
This resource considers elements of project feasibility modelling:
This link includes another model that can be used for evaluating Behind-the-Meter solar installations:
http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/communities/community-energy-grants.htm (refer to Solar PV Financial Model (XLSM 470KB))
Section D
More information on the various business models is set out in Funding Basics Guidebook Module at:
Below is a link to an article by Chris Cooper that demonstrates the importance of leadership and key messages:
Project Element Development and Management Approaches