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The Upside of Carbon Markets

Over 1.4 billion people in the world live without grid electricity. On average, an underprivileged family spends 15-30% of their total income on kerosene or other toxic resources that actually emit more greenhouse gases than light. Through the use of clean

energy products such as LED lights, the potential exists to provide millions of people

with off-grid lighting sources as well as access to economic opportunities. However, the main

obstacle that is preventing rapid expansion and distribution is limited access to major funding sources. Recently this has been changing due to increased support from the carbon market, but it's clear that green solutions in developing nations will only become more abundant if it receives the exposure it deserves.

The Role of the Carbon Market Carbon market participants such as the World Bank have been exploring opportunities to mobilise capital and assist with sustainable development for some time. With the introduction of the carbon market after the Kyoto Protocol, participating industrialised nations were required to purchase carbon offsets in order to put a cap on global emissions and it has since resulted in a $180 billion USD industry. In such a trading scheme, offsets can be purchased in several ways, one of which gives emitting countries the option to invest in clean energy technologies that benefit the developing world in order to receive credits. Up until recently, large-scale industrial projects took precedence over smaller scale projects, such as solar lighting ventures. While large-scale projects are important, it’s also vital to consider that at least 190 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per year are attributed to fuel-based lighting in off-grid communities.

One program that has been successful in connecting disadvantaged regions to affordable, green energy is CarbonSoft. With the support of one of Africa’s largest financial institutions, Standard Bank, CarbonSoft has been developing and rolling out programs in Malawi, Ghana, South Africa, India, Indonesia and the Philippines. CarbonSoft was initially developed by its parent company, Frontier Carbon, in June 2011 and has succeeded in providing renewable, low-cost solar lighting options to people that live on less than $2.00 a day. CarbonSoft does this by providing equal access to the benefits of

the carbon market. It independently adheres to the United Nations process of registering

and monitoring clean energy projects that generate carbon credits and allows anyone

from individuals to not-for-profit organisations to gain access to clean energy funding.

Also, by remaining product neutral, the CarbonSoft platform offers a new and innovative

approach that drives price competition while maintaining a diverse selection of high

quality products. Not only does this market approach allow low-income families to

connect to solar energy, but it also provides significant social and economic benefits to


Why CarbonSoft?

There are several key features that distinguish the CarbonSoft platform from other programs in the solar lighting industry. The first element is the ability to provide communities with a variety of lights to choose from. Since solar lights come in many sizes with varying levels of brightness, communities need to consider costs and other factors when selecting a product.

Another important feature that is specific to CarbonSoft is access to all technology providers. Since the CarbonSoft platform is technology neutral, it provides support to all products that meet the minimum UN approved standards. Since CarbonSoft has been in operation, it has created an incentive for solar light suppliers to improve their lighting standards and make the light brighter and more durable for families to use.

As technology improves and the costs of new technologies become more affordable (i.e. mobile phone chargers), Carbon Soft plans to provide further support to these communities in need.

Lastly, CarbonSoft handles the entire UN project approval process by adding additional value such as logistics, program design, marketing, training and business support for people undertaking solar light programmes as well as community education programs and government relations. The alignment of the program with the UN process also provides

rigour and accountability in ensuring sustainable development and co-benefits are provided to the communities. This allows NGO’s and other organisations to focus on

CarbonSoft provides equal access to solar lighting CarbonSoft has incentivised solar light producers to improve their technology to ensure it meets UN quality standards CarbonSoft puts the carbon market in the hands of entrepreneurs NGOs and companies in Africa and Asia

companies CarbonSoft connects carbon credits with communities, bringing safe, clean and sustainable lighting to some of the world's poorest households ensuring that lights are delivered to families instead of spending manpower on the application, approval and administration processes. When these organisations can focus on working directly with the local people, it’s often found that the success rate of the program is also a lot higher.

Why Is This So Important?

Small changes such as providing adequate lighting to rural areas in developing countries

can seem like a small endeavor, however the impacts are priceless. Plentiful solar lighting

is just the beginning to alleviating the poverty cycle and improving the global standard of living. Not only do these projects help facilitate economic development by providing

better access to education and telecommunications, but they also foster engagement with those responsible for designing new technologies as well. It initiates an open dialogue across multiple industries and government institutions and addresses solutions at the grassroots level.

Through the continued support of the carbon market and assistance from other funders, CarbonSoft has the capacity to provide solar lamps over one million people by 2020 and continue changing the world one light at a time.

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